How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Bleach (Easy Process)

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For cleaning your coffee maker you have tried one or the other ingredients and you are not satisfied with the results then we have come up with another option that is bleach. Here in this article, we are going to discuss how to clean a coffee maker with bleach.

But before starting note down that bleach is a harsh chemical compound that is good in cleaning but is harmful to health and coffee makers if its residues are left behind.

Process of cleaning coffee maker with bleach

Bleach is a strong compound but if used properly following the instructions of an experienced can come out with great results. Bleach comes into when action when other products fail to clean the stains and mineral buildup in the coffee maker.

What do you need?

  • Bleaching powder
  • Water
  • Coffee maker


Step 1: Pour out the leftover material from the coffee maker and other unwanted materials from the coffee maker. Take out the filter basket and wash it with the dishwasher and rinse with clean water and again place it on the coffee maker.

Step 2: Mix two tablespoon of bleaching powder and water in a glass and pour it into the coffee maker. Add more water to fill the carafe full and mix it.

Step 3: Run a half brew cycle and let the mixture sit there for a minimum of 30 minutes as it will soften the buildup for easy cleanup.

Step 4: Run the complete brew cycle and you will notice a change in the color of the mixture and some residues in it. Pour out the mixture out of the coffee maker and if still, you see some buildup left in the machine then try to remove it with a utensil scrubber.

Step 5: Rinse the coffee maker with clean water and do it until all the bleaching powder has completely rinsed off because if some residues of bleaching powder will be left in the coffee maker then it damages the coffee maker and it will be added to your next coffee cup.

Precautions to be followed while using beaching powder

Bleaching powder is a harsh chemical compound that is good for cleaning but also has some side effects if you will not follow certain precautions while using it. Here is the list of certain precautions that you need to follow while using the beach for cleaning your coffee maker.

  • Store the cleaning agent in an air-tight container away from sunlight, direct heat, and food items as it may be harmful to your health if they get mixed in your food.
  • Follow the instruction properly and maintain the exact ratio given in the booklet of the bleach powder.
  • Keep a regular check on the expiry date of the product as an expired chemical product is dangerous for the machine on which you are using it.
  • Try to wear gloves if you are allergic to chemical substances and if possible you can also wear a mask because fumes arising from the compound can irritate your skin.
  • Always dilute bleach with water to get the diluted form because direct contact with such harsh chemicals can damage the material of the machine.
  • Make sure there is proper ventilation in the room before you use it as fumes arising from the bleach can be a little irritating.

Using bleaching powder is a simple and effective way of cleaning your coffee maker while following certain instructions. Treat yourself with a clean and hygienic coffee maker that is cleaned with the best-known cleaning agent bleaching powder. Have a clean and healthy cup of coffee made freshly in your well-cleaned coffee maker.

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