7 Pointers to Choosing a One-Stop PCB Assembly Manufacturer

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Not to mention, you have to be extra careful when you are selecting a one-step PCB assembly manufacturer for your business. Remember, this small activity can make or break your business. You have to carefully examine the options available for you.

Below are some important pointers that you need to consider in order to make a smart choice:

#1. Where is the assembly manufacturer located?

It is recommended to choose a company that is within your reach. If you choose a company which is far away from you, there will always be a communication gap. Zoom meetings can help, but visiting a company in person will be considered better if a deadline is about to occur.

Further, it will be beneficial in the case of site surveys and materials shortage.

#2. Are they using the latest and state of the art tools and technology?

You have to find out that your prospective assembly manufacturer is using the latest and best equipment and technology. This thing plays an important role in making sure that the manufacturer can fulfill your business’s assembling and manufacturing requirements.

Have a look at the manufacturer’s maintenance logs to make certain he adheres to standard quality. This in turn helps in maintaining long lasting relations with the manufacturer.

#3. Does the assembling staff have proper certifications?

 It is an important step to check the certifications of the assembling team to make certain they are capable to complete your work on time and within the desired quality.

If some staff members do not have the certifications, find out their progress on the certification part.

#4. Does the manufacturer have ISO certification?

It is very significant to make sure the manufacturer has ISO certification or a similar one. This certification ensures that the manufacturer has the standard quality and the latest machinery in place. It further makes sure that manufacturer can have the potential to deliver a quality product. You can think about making a long term business partnership if the company is ISO certified.

#5. Find out about the manufacturer’s procurement department?

It is a crucial step to assess the manufacturer’s parts procurement process. Do they have a proper domestic inventory? Where are vendors located? How is the relationship of the vendors with the manufacturer? Do the vendors offer enough discounts to the manufacturer so that you can expect discounts from the manufacturer as well?

Further, find out how the procurement department works to discover parts that are difficult to locate in the market.

#6. Does the manufacturer meet strict deadlines?

You can’t skip this factor when you are choosing a one-stop PCB assembly manufacturer if you want your outsourcing work to be successful. Evaluate the past records of the company to determine whether they met the shipping deadlines.

Meeting strict deadlines simply means they have the qualified staff, equipment, and capability to complete your project.

#7. Does the manufacturer offer cost-effective pricing?

Last but not the least; pricing is an important aspect to consider beforehand if you do not want to burn a hole in your pocket. It is recommended to have an itemized breakdown of the total manufacturing price.

It is important to confirm what is included and what is excluded in the manufacturing prices. When you know what they are offering in a detailed manner, you can do comparisons with the manufacturer’s competitors. This activity can help you save a lot of dollars. If you follow the above listed 7 pointers to choosing a one-stop PCB assembly manufacturer, you can surely find the right and qualified one that can fulfill your business needs without any hassles.

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